Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Discovery to chronicle Everest avalanche

NEW YORK (AP) — With its dream of covering a daredevil's attempt to jump off Mount Everest over, the Discovery network is instead making a documentary on last week's avalanche that killed more than a dozen mountain guides.

Discovery President Eileen O'Neill said Tuesday the network hopes to air the film within the next few weeks. Discovery will encourage viewers to donate to a relief fund for families of the Sherpa guides killed in the disaster.

Several of the Sherpas killed were helping prepare for American Joby Ogwyn's (JOE-bee OH-gwinn) planned jump from the summit in a wingsuit. Discovery planned to show the stunt on live television on May 11.

Ogwyn said Tuesday he agreed with Discovery's decision not to go forward, but hopes to jump off Everest sometime in the future.

Source : http://news.yahoo.com/discovery-chronicle-everest-avalanche-175645905.html