Monday, May 5, 2014

Marc Webb Explains How 'Game Of Thrones' Influenced 'Amazing Spider-Man 2′ -

Marc Webb is having a pretty amazing few years.

The director took the helm of the rebooted "Spider-Man" franchise back in 2012, and just saw the latest incarnation of the webslinger, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," light up the box office with $92 million.

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Webb sat down with Josh Horowitz for his latest "Happy, Sad, Confused" podcast, and dropped some pretty awesome tidbits about his MTV past, his early comic book loves, and how "Game Of Thrones" might have influenced a pivotal scene in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2." We picked the seven best ones. You can listen to the full audio below.

7) He went on the road with No Doubt

"I went on the road with No Doubt for like six months and that was really great because I would shoot all their shows. And that really was informative because I couldn't conduct them, I couldn't direct them. I had to sit and observe and watch them and just be aware all the time. That trained me into thinking about how to do the coolest shots and how to get the right angles. And then with the music videos, I started to conduct and orchestrate things a little be more."

6) He used to hang around MTV

"God, I spent so much time in this building at MTV before. I don't know if I told you but I was here in 2000. I was on the road with No Doubt doing behind the scenes videos and during New Years Eve 1999-2000, I was holding up the cue cards for Gwen Stefani for 'It's the End of the World As We Know It' and it was such a great, such a magical night."

5) He took a cue from "Game Of Thrones" for "Amazing Spider-Man 2″ (SPOILERS)

"The comic book that came out in 1971, 'The Amazing Spider-Man #121: The Night Gwen Stacey Died.' It was written by Jerry Conway. It was probably the most controversial comic book ever, I would say … And things changed. And suddenly, people didn't know what to expect, simply because there was consequences. Like, you watch 'Game of Thrones' and when a sword comes out, you don't know what's going to happen. Anything could happen and its going to be real."

4) He's only directed three movies

"It's epic! It's absurd! You know, I've only made three movies, so I think I've been permanently spoiled as to how a press tour is done because it seems like it's a big deal, it seems like that's the way it is. But I do remember from "500 Days of Summer", like literally on a bus to North Carolina to go to some festival to really shill your movie. It's like you're selling it out of the back of your car. And with this one we went to Beijing, Tokyo, Singapore, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, then back to New York. You're everywhere."

3) He can't watch his own movies

"I haven't watched '500 Days of Summer' since it came out. It actually gives me enormous anxiety. I feel really bad. I do. Because I always feel like I could've done things better."

2) He loves "Game of Thrones" and Amy Schumer

"Well, thanks to on-demand, I'm totally caught up on 'Game of Thrones' except I haven't seen the last one. And I love Amy Schumer, 'Hello M'Lady', I coud watch that all day. So funny! There's great TV all around, so I've been seeing more TV than movies."

1) He was a huge comics nerd growing up

"And then when I was much younger I used to read 'Elf Quest' and little short series like 'Robotech Macross Saga'. I remember liking 'G.I. Joe'. There was a comic book called 'Scout' that I was into. But 'Spider-Man' in the beginning, it was a little, not above my head but it was hard to step into the universe. Like there were all these other things going on, but then you get older, and it was Peter Parker that was easy to connect to. His problems were so relatable."


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